Icónicas portadas del rock para los amantes de los gatos [Fotos]

Carátulas de famosos álbums de grupos como Nirvana, Misfits, Metallica, KISS, entre otros, se unieron a la fiebre gatuna de las redes sociales.
Foto 1 de 13
Misfits. (the kitten covers)
Black Sabbath. (the kitten covers)
Nirvana. (the kitten covers)
Pink Floyd. (the kitten covers)
Metallica. (the kitten covers)
Ramones. (the kitten covers)
Iron Maiden. (the kitten covers)
Queen. (the kitten covers)
Hole. (the kitten covers)
KISS. (the kitten covers)
The Clash. (the kitten covers)
AC/DC. (the kitten covers)
Minor Threat. (the kitten covers)
Misfits. (the kitten covers)
Black Sabbath. (the kitten covers)
Nirvana. (the kitten covers)
Pink Floyd. (the kitten covers)
Metallica. (the kitten covers)
Ramones. (the kitten covers)
Iron Maiden. (the kitten covers)
Queen. (the kitten covers)
Hole. (the kitten covers)
KISS. (the kitten covers)
The Clash. (the kitten covers)
AC/DC. (the kitten covers)
Minor Threat. (the kitten covers)

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