Artista junta portadas de álbumes con las calles donde fueron tomadas [Fotos]

Halley Dcoherty seleccionó 12 portadas de discos enblemáticos y las colocó sobre imágenes de Google Street View.
Foto 1 de 10
‘Abbey Road’ de The Beatles (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Animals’ de Pink Floyd (Halley Dcoherty)
‘The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Stories from the City. Stories from the Sea’ de Pj Harvey (Halley Dcoherty)
‘(What\'s The Story) Morning Glory’ de Oasis (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Late For The Sky’ de Jackson Browne (Halley Dcoherty)
‘The Marshall Matters’ EP de Eminem (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Paul’s Boutique’ de Beastie Boys (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Willy and the Poor Boys’ de Creedence Clearwater Revival (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Physical Graffiti’ de Led Zeppelin (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Abbey Road’ de The Beatles (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Animals’ de Pink Floyd (Halley Dcoherty)
‘The Freewheelin’ Bob Dylan (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Stories from the City. Stories from the Sea’ de Pj Harvey (Halley Dcoherty)
‘(What\'s The Story) Morning Glory’ de Oasis (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Late For The Sky’ de Jackson Browne (Halley Dcoherty)
‘The Marshall Matters’ EP de Eminem (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Paul’s Boutique’ de Beastie Boys (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Willy and the Poor Boys’ de Creedence Clearwater Revival (Halley Dcoherty)
‘Physical Graffiti’ de Led Zeppelin (Halley Dcoherty)

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