Anton Yelchin: Actores, directores y productores de cine lamentaron su muerte

Guillermo del Toro, John Cho, Jeremy Saulnier, entre otros, destacaron cualidades del joven de 27 años, quien falleció en extraño accidente.
Anton Yelchin: Actores, directores y productores de cine lamentaron su muerte. (AP)

Cientos de personas lamentaron la muerte de Anton Yelchin (27), el actor que interpretó a 'Chekov' en la saga Star Trek, y que falleció la madrugada de este domingo en un extraño accidente, en su casa de Los Ángeles (Estados Unidos).

Entre ellos destacaron diversas personalidades del mundo del cine, entre actores, directores, y productores. El director mexicano Guillermo del Toro se mostró "conmocionado" al enterarse de la muerte de Yelchin. "El más dulce, el más humilde, el más encantador, el más talentoso chico que he conocido", tuiteó.

En tanto, el actor coreano-estadounidense John Cho aseguró estar en "la ruina" tras enterarse de la muerte de Anton Yelchin, y lo describió a este a su manera: "Era un verdadero artista – curioso, hermoso, valiente. Era un gran amigo y un gran hijo".

El cineasta Jeremy Saulnier lo calificó a Yelchin como un " joven hombre tan dedicado, generoso e hiper-inteligente". A continuación, otras reacciones que dieron algunos personajes a través de Twitter:

The sweetest, most humble, delightful, talented guy you'd ever meet. Worked together for about a year. Shocked. — Guillermo del Toro (@RealGDT)

I loved Anton Yelchin so much. He was a true artist – curious, beautiful, courageous. He was a great pal and a great son. I'm in ruins.— John Cho (@JohnTheCho)

Anton Yelchin was one of my best friends. Can't say anything that conveys what this feels like— Kat Dennings (@OfficialKat)

Oh, Anton. Such a dedicated, generous and hyper-smart young man. So grateful for the time we shared, destroyed he left so soon.— Jeremy Saulnier (@saulnier_jeremy)

This is unreal. Anton Yelchin is such a talent. Such a huge loss.— Anna Kendrick (@AnnaKendrick47)

Very sad to hear Anton Yelchin has died. Do yourself a favor and watch "Like Crazy." I love love love that movie. And he is amazing in it.— Chris Kelly (@imchriskelly)

I am utterly heartbroken about this terrible news. Anton Yelchin was a gift to this world. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.— Aaron Paul (@aaronpaul_8)

Worked with Anton Yelchin many years ago. An amazingly kind, talented and generous soul. What a tragic loss. RIP.— Noel Fisher (@noel_fisher)

Anton Yelchin was an immense talent. This just hit me so hard.— William Mullally (@whmullally)

I can't believe this. I am so sad… Anton Yelchin. One of my favorite male actors.Another one we've lost too young…just devastating.— Victoria Justice (@VictoriaJustice)

Terrible news about Anton Yelchin, crazily talented actor gone too soon.— Stephen King (@StephenKing)

Devastated to hear about the brilliant Anton Yelchin. He was thoughtful, kind, and gifted. My thoughts and prayers are with his family.— Chris Evans (@ChrisEvans)

Anton Yelchin was a bright, brilliant talent, and a truly kind person. I was so taken by him, and won't ever forget his sweet smile. RIP— olivia wilde (@oliviawilde)

Devastated about Anton Yelchin. He was a very sweet kid. My heart goes out to his family— Hank Azaria (@HankAzaria)

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